What if…all you really need to know you learned in preschool?
September 01 2020
September 01 2020

By Katie Whitehead, Director, The Preschool at Christ the King


From the moment children walk through the doors of The Preschool and are greeted by name and welcomed by their teachers, they feel safe and secure and loved.


They learn that we love because God first loved us.

That God made them, and that God made all things.

They learn songs about all creatures great and small,

And how the Lord God made them all.


They learn that God made the sun when he created the world.

That the sun looks like a circle but is shaped like a sphere.

The sun gives light and makes it day.

And the sun warms the earth.


They learn that the sun helps the vines grow up and over the tricycle tunnel.

The sun helps the tiny seeds buried in the soil grow to make carrots.

The sun dries their painting masterpieces.


And when the sun shines through the panel outside,

They discover red hearts, pink triangles and yellow rectangles on the ground,

And you can look through the colors and hold them in your hand,

but you cannot keep them.

And tomorrow, God will make the colors “work” all over again.


To experience The Preschool for yourself and find out more, please schedule a private tour here.