
The Preschool at Christ the King provides an education for young children that is designed to encourage growth and learning in all areas of development: cognitive/intellectual, social/emotional, physical, language and spiritual.

To encourage a lifelong love for learning in each child, all learning experiences occur in an environment that encourages a child’s innate sense of wonder to explore, ask questions, develop critical thinking skills and problem-solve both independently and with the support of teachers.

We recognize that each area of development is an integral piece of early childhood growth and learning. Everything you see occurring at the Preschool is an intentional practice aimed at meeting the developmental needs of the child.

As an example, wooden blocks often appeal to young children because they are symmetrical, proportional and invite open-ended opportunities to create. When children are working together to build a tower out of wooden blocks, their experience constructing and designing actually represents a progression of each area of child development.

  • When they sort the blocks into groups by shape and size, weight and function, this is cognitive development of using classification skills.
  • When they take turns to add another block to the tower, negotiate the use of materials, and share ideas with each other, this is social-emotional development of establishing and sustaining positive relationships.
  • When they carry a block and balance it on the very top of the tower to make an intricate design, this is physical development of fine-motor strength and coordination.
  • When they tell a story to explain what is happening inside the tower, this is language development using language to express thoughts.
  • When others are welcomed to join the group of play, this is spiritual development of recognizing that God's desire is for us to love each other as he loves us.